Σχολὴ Μελωδῶν τοῦ Ἁγίο υ Παύλο υ
Σχολὴ Ἀναγεννησιακῆς
Πολυφωνίας σ τὴν Ἀθήνα.
A School for Renaissance
Polyphony in Athens.
Μηνιαῖοι Ἀναγεννησιακοὶ Ἑσπερινοί.
Monthly Renaissance Choral Evensong.
Κατὰ κανόνα τὴν γ΄ Κυριακὴ κάθε μῆνα στὴν
Ἀγγλικανική Ἐκκλησία τοῦ Ἁγίου Παύλου,
ὁδ. Φιλελλήνων 27, Σύνταγμα, στὴν Ἀθῆνα.
Sung services mostly on the 3rd Sunday of every month at
St Paul’s Anglican Church,
on Filellinon 27 by Syntagma in Athens, Greece.
καὶ λοιπῶν εκδηλώσεων.
with our other performances.
Τοὺς Ἑσπερινοὺς τραγουδᾶ
τὸ χορωδιακὸ σύνολο τῆς Σχολῆς, ἡ
The services are sung by
the Schola's Renaissance choir, the
Sancti Pauli.
πληροφορίες γιὰ ἐνδιαφερόμενους.
Singing in the Choir ;
information for those interested.
Σημαντικὸ μέρος τῆς λειτουργίας
τῆς Scholae Cantorum ἀποτελεί
ἡ μελέτη τῆς θεωρίας καὶ πράξης
τῆς ἀναγεννησιακῆς μουσικῆς στὸ
An important part in
the Schola's activities is played by
the study of the theory and practice
of Renaissance music at our workshop, the
Sancti Pauli.
πληροφορίες γιὰ ἐνδιαφερόμενους.
Participating in the Workshop ;
information for those interested.
Ὁ πυρῆνας τῆς Cappellae
καὶ κάθε μουσικῆς ἐκδήλωσης τῆς
Scholae Cantorum εἶναι τὸ
μικρὸ ἐπαγγελματικό της σύνολο, οἱ
At the core of the Cappella
and all of the musical activities
of the Schola Cantorum lies its
small professional ensemble, the
Sancti Pauli.
Συμμετοχὴ σ τὸ Σύνολο·
πληροφορίες γιὰ ἐνδιαφερόμενους.
Participating in the Ensemble ;
information for those interested.